Move Like a...

Our current preschool unit is 'Animals' and I have several kiddos working on following directions, so when I found a link to these adorable Animal Action Dice on Pinterest, I was dying to make a set for my classrooms. I love how the activity also hits on vocabulary, counting, movement, and (especially for three-year-olds) some serious motor-planning. A multitasking score!

The game and template are from Investigate PreK, and I tweaked the instructions to make easily referenced "How to Play" cards. Rather than gluing the animals to a die, I pasted the images into a blank paper cube template and made my own:


We play the game two ways. For a large group activity, one student rolls the number die to determine how many repetitions the group will do. Another child rolls the animal die to determine the action. For a transition activity, individual students roll just the animal die and do a single repetition of the action before lining up to go outside or washing hands for snack.

Simple and super fun!

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